There is a really horrible experience you can have when leasing a copier. You might sign a lease that you love and the price is great. You go for a few years without any trouble, but suddenly you see your monthly payment rises. Suddenly, it happens again the next year. This is not uncommon to happen to people who are new to copier leases. It’s great to get a good deal on your copier lease, but you also need to avoid paying more than you should.
What happened in the example above is that someone signed a contract that had the ability to raise your prices. You may wonder why anyone would sign that, but it happens more than you may think. People don’t read their leases closely enough and put themselves in bad situations.
It can always be expected that your lease may rise with inflation. However, we have seen some pretty ridiculous things over the years.
- Let’s imagine that your copier leasing representative gave you a great deal on a 10,000 print agreement. They say that you will get 10,000 prints for $100, which is a great price on the market.
- But then your lease begins to rise by 12% after year two.
- By your fifth year of your agreement you are paying $157 for the same 10,000 prints. This is not a good market price
Avoiding situations like this is super important if you want to get the best price for your copier lease. Avoid paying more for your copier lease. Read your lease closely or you may end up in deep trouble later on.