Proper maintenance and care ensures that your sophisticated copier will operate as designed. Consumables, such as paper and toner, can also affect the performance of the copy machine. Xerox recommends storing paper in climate-controlled environments to prevent exposure to extreme temperatures and humidity, which can cause the paper to jam in the copier. You should wait until you can load the entire ream of paper in the trays. If this is not possible, store the opened package in a sealable plastic bag. Use the paper suggested for your machine to reduce paper jams. Modern copiers have energy saving modes that power the machines down after 30 to 90 minutes of inactivity. This eco-friendly feature also cycles the equipment off at night and on the weekends. Store limited quantities of paper in the machine to avoid exposing your paper to the climatic conditions in the room.
Low quality correspondence reflects poorly on your organization. Keep a toner vacuum, nonabrasive glass cleaner and lint-free cloths near the copier. This will enable a designated member of your staff to keep the document glass clean and remove toner spills whenever necessary. Contact our Madison area office to speak with an experienced member of our team if you need information on service or lease agreements.