It’s always important to understand the industry jargon before purchasing an expensive piece of equipment. Not understanding one word can make a huge difference in your prospective choice. In the world of copier sales one of the most important pieces of information to understand is what an A3 copier is.
An A3 copier is a copier that has the ability to handle tabloid prints. Tabloid prints are extra-large prints that are twice the size of regular, traditional printer paper. Tabloid printers will be at least 11” x 17” as opposed to the standard 8.5” x 11”.
A Copier that can handle tabloid prints is usually a good amount more expensive than one that can’t. They are the biggest, and best solution to a number of different office problems that you may encounter.
Tabloid printers generally can handle greater color scales and can handle the most complex print jobs. They can be used for a wider variety of jobs and are essential to many media and advertising jobs that need their images to pop. A3 copiers will offer solutions to more specialized jobs that more traditional copiers cannot handle.
Choosing an A3 copier for your business is a big decision. They are a huge inbestment, so you want to make sure it’s what your business actually needs. Don’t just trust a salesperson right away, because they may just want you to spend a lot of money on and expensive machine. You won’t have to deal with that at Madison Copier. We believe in fair copier leases and honest sales practices. Call us today to start your search for the best copiers in Arkansas.